Las Vegas Central East Side Neighborhood

Paradise Crest is located south and east of Pecos and Flamingo in the southeast, central part of the valley. It is located around 3 miles from The Strip and probably 2 1/2 miles from the airport. It is one of my favorite older, mature communities in the Las Vegas area. Homes here were built between 1968 and 1972. Sizes range from 1,500 sq. ft. and up, with a median size of around 2,600 sq. ft. Lot sizes are large, by Las Vegas standards. There are 173 homes in all in the development. When I was in the neighborhood to take the above photos on a late April morning, many of the residents were walking their community. You can note the mature landscaping, grass and trees that is no longer possible in newer communities. If you have any questions about Paradise Crest or are interested in homes for sale here, feel free to call me or email me.