Homes and Real Estate

Map Search - Homes for Sale in Mt. Charlestion, Lee Canyon Area
Recent Sales in Mt. Charleston
Mt Charleston real estate is a unique markaet is a mountaintop community located in a forest environment in Toiyabe National Forest. approximately 20 minutes away from the N.W. edge of Las Vegas and approximately 30 miles from the center of The Strip. Home options include condos, cabins, and free-standing homes.
US census 2020 showed a population of 314. The forest environment along with the weather makes this an attractive option for many considering a purchase of Mt. Charleston Real Estate. The summer temperatures (July-August) show average highs in the low 80’ and lows in the mid to high 60’s. The average temperatures for December and January show highs in the low 40’s and lows in the high 20’s. Snow? Well there is considerable in the winter with average snowfalls of around 10″ in both December and January. Elevations of the residential areas of Mt. Charleston range from 7,300 to 7,800 ft above sea level.
WIth respect to Mt. Charleston real estate, many homeowners live here part-time. Of those who live here full-time, many would not consider living anywhere else. The road down the hill to the Las Vegas Valley is rarely closed in the winter, but if you are regularly commuting into the valley you may have to “chain up” a few days of the year.
There are two public schools Spring Mountain Junior/Senior High and Earl P Lundy Elementary. These are small schools by anyone’s standards with student populations of 101 and 18 respectively per City Data 2010.
Lee Canyon is another nearby area and will be included in the home search results above. Some of the homes in Lee Canyon are on land lease from the government and some do not have access to power.
Home sales prices are generally higher in the Mt. Charleston area. The median selling price per sq. ft for 2012 was 58% higher than for the valley below. Keep in mind that there are very few options similar to Mt. Charleston. As far as a mountain environment relatively close to the city there is Cold Creek, about 50 miles out. No power at Cold Creek and no landline phones. Mt Springs is close to Las Vegas but is even smaller than Mt. Charleston.
If you have questions regarding Mt. Charleston real estate please call or e-mail me, happy to help in any way that I can.