Las Vegas Area

Age Restricted – Community Tours of develop,emts in the Las Vegas area that have age restrictions. The homes in these communities range from condominiums to patio homes to manufactured homes to conventional free standing homes. I have provided a page on each community with photos, descriptions, location and price ranges. Click on above link and you will go to an index of all the local age restricted communities.
Planned Communities– Here I have provided information and photos on most all of the major planned communities in the Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson areas. Click on link and go to a map page where you can click on each community for more information. Information on geographical area is also included.
Golf Course Communities– I provide comprehensive information, property searches plus multiple photos on each community.
Condominium developments – There are hundreds of condominium communities in the Las Vegas area. I am just starting this undertaking. I will add information on some of my favorite projects as I can.
Guard Gated Communities – Information and selective home searches for 57 communities that feature free-standing homes.
Oldies but goodies – Community Tours and information on some older Las Vegas communities that are distinctive in nature. Included are John S Park, Paradise Crest, McNeil Estates and Scotch Eighties- 80’s.